what are macro and microstates?
So what are macro and microstates? My favorite way of explaining this is through rolling a die. Whenever you play some sort of board game, you continuously roll this little cube, and it somehow tells you what to do. The macro and microstate is a way of building up this phenomena, of a little cube telling you what to do, from first principles. Our first step is to “construct a space” that can represent the phenomena you care about mathematically. This usually entails what's called a state space. This isn’t a real, physical thing, its abstract space. Each point in the space encodes some configuration, some state, that the system can be in. So let's think about the state space of a rigid cube falling on to a table. There are multiple ways you can do this, but in our case it will each point represent a single trajectory of the die. You release it at some point in space, and it tumbles down onto the table, eventually coming to rest. We are considered space is all the ...